Written by: Jordan Sandlin, Senior Marketing Coordinator
Edited by: Mike Kirk, Chief Innovation Officer & Chad Karol, SVP, Alternative Valuation Operations

In the dynamic landscape of property valuation, standingstill is not an option. For credit unions, the challenge has always been aboutstriking the perfect balance between cost efficiency, accuracy, and membersatisfaction. Today, we're turning those challenges into opportunities.At Nationwide Property & Appraisal Services (NPAS), weare excited to share a leap forward in valuation services that are tailor-madejust for you: Credit Union Edge℠.
Understanding that credit unions encounter distinctivehurdles in valuation, we've utilized our deep industry insight to create Credit Union Edge. This isn't just another addition to our services – it's a suite ofsolutions forged from the ground up, with the singular focus of giving you anedge in this competitive landscape.
Why Credit Union Edge?
We've heard your concerns about valuation costs, turnaroundtimes, and risk management. That's why we've developed something that addressesall these issues head-on. Credit Union Edge℠ is more than just a tool; it's your partner in redefining the valuation experience.
Save Time, Save Money, Reduce Risk - What's offered with Credit Union Edge℠?
- Merge AVM Reconciliation℠: Where accuracymeets efficiency, and getting the valuation done right doesn't mean waitingforever.
- Pinnacle Desktop Appraisal℠: Top-tierappraisals without the top-tier fees. It's comprehensive, it's thorough, andit's exactly what your members deserve.

The Member-First Approach
Our solutions were conceived with the member in mind. Bystreamlining your valuation process, we are not only enhancing your operationalefficiency but also ensuring that your members are getting faster, moreaffordable home valuations. It's about giving back to those who trust you withtheir financial needs.
Broad Applications, Consistent Value
Whether it's for home equity considerations or portfoliotransactions, Credit Union Edge℠ has been crafted to be flexible and reliable,delivering value across various financial scenarios. We're enabling you tonavigate the valuation landscape with more confidence and agility.
NPAS: Your Partner for Innovation
At NPAS, innovation is in our DNA. We strive to embodyintegrity, excellence, and a steadfast commitment to your success. Ourcollaboration with credit unions is built on these principles. With CreditUnion Edge℠, we're excited to take this journey with you into a future wherevaluation services are no longer a bottleneck but a strategic advantage.
Let's Get Started!
Ready to see what Credit Union Edge℠ can do for you? For adeeper dive into our offerings and to start the conversation on how we canempower your credit union, we welcome you to visit us at CU Edge or reach out directly at sales@nationwideamc.com. Here's to transforming valuation together and providing ourmembers with the best possible financial journey.Stay tuned to our blog for more updates, insights, andinnovations tailored to our credit union community. Because at NationwideProperty & Appraisal Services, we're not just about valuations — we'reabout value.